Assessment of the circulation routes of mototaxis in the city of Cajamarca
Cajamarca, circulation, intersections, mototaxism, urban planningAbstract
In the city of Cajamarca, mototaxism emerges as a widely accessible alternative transportation option for the majority of the population. However, this service lacks formality, leading to insecurity and having a negative impact on both traffic and environmental pollution. The aim of this study is to conduct a detailed assessment of the sections of roads with a higher presence of mototaxis in the city of Cajamarca. In this process, the 48 intersections with the highest mototaxi traffic were identified, a representative sample was determined, and digitized techniques were applied for urban planning surveys. Additionally, collaboration was sought from students in the Urban Planning Subject, utilizing Autodesk Revit to create 3D representations of 41 intersections. The results of this work enable the analysis of specific characteristics of mototaxi circulation at these intersections. It was observed that during peak hours, approximately 41% of total vehicles consist of mototaxis. Furthermore, the components of road sections in these intersections were evaluated, revealing that only one collector road meets all requirements. Roadways comply with regulations at 80%, sidewalks at 27.5%, and diagonal setbacks at corners reach only 14%. In conclusion, specific measures are proposed to enhance the safety and circulation of mototaxis, which should be considered by the municipality in crafting a regulatory plan for smaller vehicles in the district of Cajamarca. This plan should address aspects such as the maximum allowed speed, location of stops, and restriction of circulation on collector roads.
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