Reinforced labor protection of women in a state of pregnancy and breastfeeding: procedural mechanisms




reinforced protection, pregnancy status, breastfeeding period, replacement


This work shows the relevance of the national and supranational regulatory framework of special and reinforced protection in favor of pregnant or breastfeeding women, the procedural mechanisms that enable such a measure, as well as the establishment of certain favorability rules, provided at a jurisprudential level, derived from the so-call “maternal jurisdiction”, in order to guarantee the right to work of those who find themselves in said situation.


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Author Biography

  • Nixon Javier Castillo Montoya

    Abogado por la Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca, UNC, Perú. Maestro en Ciencias con mención en Derecho Civil y Comercial y Doctor en Ciencias, Mención Derecho, por la misma Universidad. Docente de pregrado y posgrado de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas de la UNC.



How to Cite

Castillo Montoya, N. J. (2024). Reinforced labor protection of women in a state of pregnancy and breastfeeding: procedural mechanisms. Revista Quaestio Iuris, 13, 120-131.