Law of evidence about legal entities in the peruvian code of criminal procedure


  • Saúl Alexander Villegas Salazar Abogado por la Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca. Maestro en Ciencias en Derecho Penal y Criminología. Doctor en Derecho. Docente de Pre y Post grado de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas de la UNC. Author


Legal entity, Law of evidence, due process


This article has the purpose of illuminate about Law of evidence that legal entities have in the Peruvian criminal procedure. I mean that, as indicates the article 93 of the Peruvian code of criminal procedure, legal entities have and, especially, enjoys all the rights and guarantees granted to the accused person. In this respect, and according that article, we should understand that legal entities also have a due process due process including the right to defense, to a second hearing, to a reasonable time, to the presumption of innocence, to due motivation, and also the law to evidence, as set forth in the judgment Number 010-2002-AI/TC of “Peruvian Constitutional Tribunal”.


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How to Cite

Villegas Salazar, S. A. (2024). Law of evidence about legal entities in the peruvian code of criminal procedure. Revista Quaestio Iuris, 12, 127-143.