An exegetic analysis of the marital property regimes in peruvian legislation




marriage, property regimes, community property, separation of assets


Marriage determines not only the emergence of personal relationships between spouses, who seek to achieve a shared life project, with the consequent obligations and rights, but, also implies the appearance of situations of patrimonial nature. A couple living together involves meeting the expenses of home maintenance, personal and family progress, and fulfill the obligations generated with third parties, including children. It is necessary to organize a legal regime that regulates the property acquired by each of the spouses and the assets that comprehend the marital partnership, called “regímenes patrimoniales del matrimonio”.

This article, from the exegetical method, aims to criticize the normative provisions that regulate the “regímenes patrimoniales del matrimonio” in Peruvian legislation.


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Author Biography

  • Hugo Miguel Muñoz Peralta

    Abogado. Maestro en Ciencias, Mención Derecho Civil y Comercial. Doctorando por la Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca. Docente Universitario y abogado en el ejercicio libre de la defensa.



How to Cite

Muñoz Peralta, H. M. (2024). An exegetic analysis of the marital property regimes in peruvian legislation. Revista Quaestio Iuris, 13, 92-118.