The Inter-American Democratic Charter: an instrument for the preservation and strengthening of democracy


  • Teresa Ysabel Terán Ramírez Author



Inter-American Democratic Charter, Democracy, State, Organization of American States


The article addresses the treatment of the provisions of the Inter-American Democratic Charter, a contemporary instrument instituted by the Organization of American States whose central axis is democracy, which is connoted as a right of ownership of the peoples of the Americas and an international state obligation, essential for development and considerable for its correspondence with the effectiveness of human rights. Understanding the content of the aforementioned document makes it possible to understand the supranational treatment of democracy, recognized by the States and replicated by them in their internal regulations, according to the principles and values on which it is based; and it facilitates knowledge of the circumstances in which it can be applied, specifically, in the event of risk to the democratic political institutional process or the legitimate exercise of political power. In short, as the Inter-American Democratic Charter has become an essential mechanism for the preservation and strengthening of democracy, it is necessary to reflect on the need to defend it in the context of contemporary public order.


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Author Biography

  • Teresa Ysabel Terán Ramírez

    Abogada por la Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca, UNC, Perú. Doctora en Derecho, Maestra en Ciencias en las menciones de Derecho Constitucional y Derechos Humanos, y, Administración y Gerencia Pública, y, abogada, por la UNC. Conciliadora extrajudicial y especializada en Familia. Asesora Legal. Docente de pre y posgrado adscrita a la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas de la UNC. Directora del Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas y Políticas de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas de la UNC. Ex vocal del Tribunal Universitario y ex secretaria académica de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas de la UNC.



How to Cite

Terán Ramírez, T. Y. (2024). The Inter-American Democratic Charter: an instrument for the preservation and strengthening of democracy. Revista Quaestio Iuris, 13, 51-66.